Volume 15 (2023)
Volume 14 (2022)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2021)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 9 (2017)
Volume 8 (2016)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 6 (2014)
Volume 5 (2013)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2010)
Volume 1 (2009)

Journal of Linguistics and Khorasan Dialects disseminates peer reviewed original research results in the field of linguistics, phonology, phonemics, semantics, discourse analysis, historical linguistics, socio-linguistics, psycholinguistics, and dialectology in both print and open-access formats. The journal aims at providing a forum that links fields, theories, research methods, and scholarly discourses in linguistics. Contributions must be written exclusively in Persian.

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Linguistics and Khorasan dialects
Some Important Features Differentiating between the Khorasani Group of Persian Dialects and the Varieties of the Afghan-Tajiki Group

Youli Ioannesyan

Volume 16, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 1-29

  The study examined five characteristics of the Khorasani Group of Persian Dialects distinguishing it from the Afghan-Tajiki group. These characteristics consist of two phonetic and two morphological features as well as one relating to prepositions. Though not representing all the distinguishing features ...  Read More

A Corpus-Based Study on the Preposition /az/ (From) in Textbooks of Grades 1 to 6: A Cognitive Approach

Azam Alijani; Masood Ghayoomi; Maryam MesgarKhoyi; Houriyeh Ahadi; Yalda Delgoshaei

Volume 16, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 31-53

  The present study aimed to study the preposition /az/ (i.e., from) in primary school textbooks. Polysemy of prepositions is one of the sources of many students’ perception. A text corpus developed for this study from Farsi, Practical Science, Heavenly Gifts, and Social Studies of elementary school ...  Read More

A Review and Investigation on Cappelen and Lepore's Semantic Minimalism using Persian Language Data

Mohammadreza Pahlavannezhad

Volume 16, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 55-73

  The present study reviewed Herman Cappelen and Ernest Lepore’s theory of Semantic Minimalism. This theory was proposed as a universal semantic theory in linguistics in 2005. In this article, the Semantic Minimalism theory was examined in Persian language and on the data of this language. By examining ...  Read More

Discourse analysis
Narrative Complexity in Monolingual and Bilingual 4-6 Year Old Children: A Case Study of Tehran and Juybar

atoosa rostambeik

Volume 16, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 75-107

  Assessing the development of narrative skills is one of the practical and frequently used methods in research related to bilingualism, language acquisition, and language impairment. Tools designed based on the story grammar which focus on both cognitive and linguistic skills have attracted a lot of attention. ...  Read More

Word construction
A Constructional Analysis of Compound Words taken from the Past Stem "Gasht" in Persian Language

Fatemeh Zohrabi; Adel rafiei

Volume 16, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 109-128

  The present study examined compound words ending in the past stem "Gasht" in construction morphology. This research tried to describe the diachronic and synchronic of the semantic variations and the schematic system of the words resulting from this construction. The data included 202 compound words collected ...  Read More

A Comparative Study of the Linguistic Perspectives of Two Contemporary Arab Grammarians: A Methodological Criticism Maedeh Bigom Shirazi

Maedeh bigom Shirazi; Seyed hossein Seyedi; Ahmad Reza Heidarian Shahri

Volume 16, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 129-150

  The nineteenth century can be considered a time when modern Arab thought formed, and contemporary linguistic research was also born in line with other Arab intellectual fields. Modernist linguists presented their new findings, derived from contemporary linguistic approaches to the Arabic-speaking readership. ...  Read More

Ellipsis Phenomena within the Clause; A Phase-Based Approach

Shabnam Majidi; Fatemeh Bahrami; Mazdak Anoushe

Volume 16, Issue 1 , August 2024, Pages 151-185

  Ellipsis phenomena or deletions, in traditional generative terms, involve a number of cases where otherwise expected syntactic material goes missing under some conditions. How to formulate a generalization that can explain all types of deletion has been a central question since the dawn of Principle ...  Read More

Discourse analysis
A Comparative Study of Linguistic Romanticism in the Poems of Ebtehaj and Ansi al-Haj using a Cognitive Approach

GhaderiTape Rasht Salim; Naser Hosini; Ardashir Sadraddini

Volume 15, Issue 3 , December 2023, , Pages 143-121

  Cognitive linguistics, as one of the main categories of cognitive science, looks at language as a tool for discovering the structure of the human cognitive system. Cognitive semantics, as one of the basic fields of cognitive linguistics, has various theories such as image schemas, conceptual fusion, ...  Read More

Linguistic typology
The Representation of Body Names in Expressing Emotions: A Typological View

Vali Rezai; Tahereh Samenian

Volume 15, Issue 3 , December 2023, , Pages 27-1

  Lexical typology is related to the specific ways in which languages incorporate meaning into words. In this way, lexical typology, which deals with words, can be considered a sub-branch of semantic typology. Recently, studies in cognitive linguistics have shown how body parts act as a source for conceptualizing ...  Read More

A Study of the Differences Between the Kurmanji Dialect of Biglar and Other Kurmanji Dialects of the Neighboring Villages

Javad Ghanbari Beglar; Mahmoud Elyasi; Ali Izanloo

Volume 5, Issue 8 , April 2013, , Pages 1-19

  Kurmanji is probably the most well known variety of Kurdish Language. Apart from such countries as Turkey, Iraq, Syria, and some areas in western Iran, it is spoken in Khorasan-e Shomali and Khorasan-e Razavi Provinces in north-east Iran. The residents of Biglar –a village near Quchan in north-west ...  Read More

Critical Discourse Analysis
Patriarchy and Social Linguistics in Poetry; A Case Study of the Concept of Patriarchy in Iranian Myths

Ahmad Sepantamehr; Majidreza Khazaivafa; Ali Mandegar

Volume 15, Issue 3 , December 2023, , Pages 89-53

  Language can be studied from various perspectives. One of the methods for studying linguistic variations in society is examining cultural sources such as stories, novels, musical productions, poems, and ancient myths. Among the topics that have received significant attention in the media and have an ...  Read More

Neurology of the language
Thalamus and Bilingualism: Evidence from fMRI

Simin Meykadeh; Werner Sommer; Seyed a,mir hossien Batouli

Volume 15, Issue 3 , December 2023, , Pages 51-29

  Bilingualism is associated with structural adaptations of subcortical regions taking part in controlling multiple languages. The thalamus is a paired gray matter structure located near the center of the brain, regulating the information transmission to cortical regions. In a recent fMRI study, the sensitivity ...  Read More

Linguistic typology
Contrastive Analysis of Persian and Korean Syllable Structure Based on Typological Universals.

hamed mowlaei; Hossein Bazoubandi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 09 July 2024

  Contrastive Analysis which is based on structural linguistics tries to facilitate second language learning by focusing on the current phonological, morphological and syntactic differences of languages. The goal of this paper is comparing and contrasting the syllable of Persian and Korean according to ...  Read More

Substitution of short vowels in English and Arabic words adopted by Persian: A Comparative Study

Bashir Jam

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 01 September 2024

  Sound substitution is a process whereby a phoneme in a loanword is replaced by its closest phone in the borrowing language. English and Arabic share short vowels // and // which are absent in Persian. This comparative study aimed at explaining how these vowels are substituted in Persian within ...  Read More

Implementation, development and evaluation of the online placement test based on Faraz Farsi educational collection

zahra Hajibagheri; Mahinnaz Mirdehghan Farashah

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 September 2024

  The placement test is a test with the purpose of providing information that determines the appropriate level of the learners in an educational course according to their abilities. Due to the rapid development of technology and its application in the field of education, the approach of testing has changed ...  Read More

Linguistic typology
Lexical Field and Language Universals Analysis of Body Parts in Persian and English: A Typological Approach

Vali Rezai; Mahdeih Abbaspour

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 25 September 2024

  This study employs a typological approach to examine the terminology used for lower body parts in Persian and English. The aim is to identify commonalities and divergences in the naming and categorization of human body parts, while also assessing the validity of proposed linguistic universals in this ...  Read More

Diachronic investigation of Persian kinship terminology

Elaheh Fathian; Mehrdad Naghzguy Kohan

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 03 October 2024

  All societies use kinship terms to address and to refer to one’s kin. Most studies that have investigated kin terms, have been done based on consanguineal and affinal kin criteria. In some societies, kin relations are established by other criteria. Therefore, cultural differences must be taken ...  Read More

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