Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, University of Birjand,, Birjand, Iran

2 Faculty of Humanities, University of Birjand,, Biriand, Iran


Birjandi dialect is one of the dialects of Persian language, which has undergone less evolution compared to other dialects of Khorasan due to its desert location. About Birjand dialect, various researches in the form of books, articles and theses have been done so far. The present study deals with some phonetic, lexical and grammatical considerations in the Sabuhi corpus (early 13th century Hijri), the "Ivanov" dialect research about a century ago, and Diwan Hakim Nizari (7th century Hijri). In this regard, other related old sources including some Fahlavit have also been considered. In this research, by examining the lexical structure of dialect words and terms used in mentioned corpus and discovering some of lexical and phonetic changes, an attempt was made to type these dialect words based on the IPA pattern so that their correct reading is possible. In order to ensure the accuracy of the pronunciation and meaning of the selected words, in the form of a field survey, 10 illiterate native speakers over the age of 70 in both genders who are familiar with the dialect of this city have been consulted. The results of the study, show that the Birjandi dialect has become closer to standard Persian in terms of grammatical and sometimes phonetic features in recent centuries.


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