Document Type : Original Article


1 Mashhad Ferdowsi University

2 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran




The nineteenth century can be considered a time when modern Arab thought formed, and contemporary linguistic research was also born in line with other Arab intellectual fields. Modernist linguists presented their new findings, derived from contemporary linguistic approaches to the Arabic-speaking reader. Despite different reactions often based on sanctifying their traditional linguistic heritage, they established a distinct and independent structure for contemporary Arab linguistics. On the one hand, it was based on ancient theoretical foundations; on the other hand, it was compatible with modern Western approaches in linguistics. Ibrahim Mustafa and Mehdi Makhzomi are contemporary Arab linguists who adopted a new viewpoint on linguist research and Arabic syntax. This paper attempts to delve into the books “Ehya Al-nahw” (Syntax Revival) by Ibrahim Mustafa and “Fi Al-Nahw Alarabi; Naqd Wa Tawjih,” “On Arabic Syntax: Criticism and Guidance” by Mehdi Makhzomi. The approach of this research is to comparatively study the linguistic point of view, foundations, and intellectual origins of these two grammarians based on methodological criticism. The result of the research is that Ibrahim Mustafa, although he does not have a linguistic approach, is looking for the revival of syntax and has been trying to abolish the agent theory in Arabic grammar. But Mehdi Makhzoumi has a text-linguistic approach and emphasizes the sentence in Arabic syntax most contemporary Arab linguists, relying on the necessity of making fundamental changes in Arabic syntax to get rid of traditional syntax, could criticize some of it with their scientific and experimental knowledge and provide accurate, scientific, novel viewpoints theoretically and practically.


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