Document Type : Original Article


1 PH.D Candidate of TPSOL,, Department of Linguistics,, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences Shahid Beheshti University

2 Associate Professor and Head of the PLTC Center, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences Shahid Beheshti University



The placement test is a test with the purpose of providing information that determines the appropriate level of the learners in an educational course according to their abilities. Due to the rapid development of technology and its application in the field of education, the approach of testing has changed from pen and paper- based test to computer- based test. The purpose of the current research is to design an online placement test that has the necessary validity to determine the appropriate level of language learners in educational centers and the web-application under design (for teaching Persian to non-Persian speakers). This test was prepared based on the content of the twelve-volume educational collection "Faraz Farsi" (Mirdehghan Farashah et al., 1402) and for the three sub-skills of vocabulary, grammar and interaction. "Digiform" was selected among the online test maker environments for the test implementation due to its superior features, including the ability to display the test taker's image and higher security. In order to determine the reliability, the test was administered to 178 non-Persian language learners. The analysis of the obtained data using Coder and Richardson's formula 20, showed the reliability of the test to be 0.93. In order to determine the content validity of the test, a 10-item questionnaire was prepared and given to 20 teachers of Faraz Farsi, the results of which show the desired content validity of the test.
