Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی
One of the main dichotomies in syntactic analyses deals with the distinction between lexical and functional categories. Functional categories gain in stature as the generative grammar moves ahead. They come into play in explaining the derivation stages of phrases and sentences. The present study critically evaluates different approaches to the role and function of one of these functional categories, namely negation. Given the evidence provided in the paper, the researcher rejects the proposal that this category is located above TP. Rather, it is suggested that NegP immediately dominates [little]vP. Accordingly, when there is a tense auxiliary (after the main verb) or a modal (before the main verb), the structure in v which includes the main verb is incorporated into the tense auxiliary or modal in the T node. Then, the negative morpheme (ne/næ) moves from Neg to T, joining the aforementioned resulting constituent. After this movement, the negation morpheme is attached to the modal+main verb combination, thus yielding the well-formed surface order of the negative verbs (næ-xahæd neve∫t). Moreover, for the first time, a minimalist model is suggested for the negation of passive sentences in Persian.
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