Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی
In this paper, the writers try to define and describe the formulaic speech in Farsi. Formulaic speech is a term used in theoretical and descriptive studies of grammar to refer to utterances which lack normal syntactic or morphological characteristics. The method of the research is based on documentary and field work. One hundred Farsi formulaic speeches which are most popular among Farsi native speakers were chosen and two questionnaire, each one including 50 formulaic speeches and some questions, were prepared and answered by 200 Farsi speakers. Formulaic speeches are represented in Farsi as proverbs, expression/idioms and phatics. Analyzing the answers given to the questionnaires indicates that age, gender and level of education can be considered as the effective factors for using some of Formulaic speeches while for other formalic speeches no remarkable differences were observed.
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