Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. in Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Isfahan

2 Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Isfahan



The present study examines compound words ending in the past stem "Gasht" in framework Construction morphology. This research tries to give a description of diachronic and synchronic of the semantic variations and the schematic system of the words resulting from this construction. The data of the present research includes 202 compound words which hac semantic variations of the compound words taken from the past stem "Gasht"? What is the superlative construction of compound words derived from the past stem "Gasht"? What are the variations of this construction in diachronic view? For this purpose, the extracted words were classified into four semantic categories based on their meaning. Then the main schema was determined. Diachronic studies show that from this construction in the past centuries, the word "Golgasht" was created in a different meaning from what is used today. We also see changes in the functioning of this construction in the social media. By taking diachronic changes and describing the synchronicity of this construction, finally the schematic system of the construction [x- gasht] was obtained. In the schematic system of this construction, we see two productive constructions and two static constructions.


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