Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur branch

2 Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Neyshabur Unit, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur, Iran


Semiotics is studies the sign systems, the process of interpretation, the meaning and the truth hidden behind the codes, signs and symbols. This knowledge has considerable applications and functions in various areas of human relations. Literature, including children's literature is one of the most important of these areas. Using Roland Barrett's views, this study tried to analyze the children's poems of Salman Harati with an analytical-descriptive method. The results showed that Harati's poems, due to such issues as reference to various fields of natural and ideological elements, pristine, simple and intimate nature, outstanding temporal and spatial coordinates, and social themes and idealistic discourse, is able to produce various codes, and consequently various meanings and interpretations. Although these characteristics are directly related to the readers’ abilities, they show that when assessed by the interpretation mechanisms of codes and analysis of other semiotic elements, his poems have a structured and thoughtful semantic structure. The action and effect of the logic of conversationalism in his poetry is another factor that provides the reader with space and the possibility of reproducing content in the process of innertext and outertext interpretations. The narrative in Harati’s poetry, as an integration factor of vertical axis, has produced a variety of codes. This process, with regard to the remarkable manifestation of the codes of narrative, hermeneutic and symbolic action, demonstrates the narrative capacity and the signifier nature of his poetry. Meta-examplar implications in Harati’s poems cause objective and clear associations and effectively involve metatext in the interpretation and analysis of signs.


Main Subjects

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