Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of the Department of Linguistics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Critical analysis as one of the discourse analysis approaches that tries to demystify power relationships and hidden ideologies in it by text denaturalization and review of structures and discourse-oriented components of texts. In the present research, dominant discourse analysis approaches and text analysis tools are briefly introduced based on Van Leeuwen pattern (1996); then, analysis of the movie “Souteh-delan”, written and directed by the late Ali Hatami is done with the help of these tools and in theoretical discourse framework of Laclau and Mouffe; religious discourses formation, sex, rationalism and emotionalism are also considered in detail. The present study objectively shows how ideologies and power relations can affect people attitudes and insights and manifest in their relations and social interactions. Other results of this study show that according to the traditional attitude, man believes in right of dominance to the woman by highlighting concepts like overtopping and executor of power.


Main Subjects

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