Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Persian language and literature, Fasa branch, Islamic Azad University, Fasa, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Fasa Branch, Islamic Azad University, Fasa, Iran

3 Assistant professor of Persian language and literature, Fasa Islamic Azad University, Iran


Basically, sign and meaning in language science complements each other and each one does not count anything without another, Attar in a discourse that provides fire in their mystical works, A species of signs is evident that the fire is not only in the position of a heated warfare, which also occurs in the position of the meaning and meaning, which is further investigated in the field of linguistic substitution. Our main questions are that the fire in the poetry of Attar Neishaburi finds, how to flow and expands; Also how fire can make meaningful and mean meanings and values; Also, fire and correlations are related to which semantics signs, such as tension, perceptual, emotional and aesthetic systems? In this process, symptoms are commonly used in transplantation with seminal fluid, dynamic and multidimensional. This method is able to reveal the alternative reading of literary and mystical texts. Investigating Attar's works shows that he has a new approach to phenomena, including fire in perceptual transplantation, and beautiful concepts and concepts. Attar in this linguistic approach, the fire from the constructive semiotics has led to a sign of fluid semantics. The purpose of this article is to examine the meaning of 'fire' in the works of Attar Neishaburi, which has been done in descriptive analytical manner. According to this research, a military can be achieved for better understanding of concepts associated with the sign of fire in Attar Nezhaburi poetry.


Main Subjects

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