Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Kausar University, Bojnoord, Iran


Knowing the genres and sub-genres of Persian poetry is a fundamental issue; The present study, with the aim of helping the typology of contemporary Persian poetry, introduces the "nestless subject" as a stylistic feature of a part of new and white poetry called political-critical poetry. The study and typology of political-critical poetry of four prominent contemporary poets - Nima Yoshij, Akhavan Sales, Shamloo and Shafiee Kadkani.By asking the questions of what frightening objects the rejection has become in reality in the poem and through what discourses the rejected subject has rejected and rejected power as a contaminated thing, and finally how within the network. The power complex has taken hold and created points of resistance. By studying contemporary poetry based on the above theory, the results of the research show four types of poetry:Nima Yoshij's political-critical poetry genre is hopeful, compromising, and compromising. The poem of Mehdi Akhavan Sales shows a necessary, lonely and irreconcilable resistance, the rejection of identity of which is evident in its political discourse; Hence, we classify the Brotherhood's poetry as fighting and anger. In Shamloo's poetry, the subject is in a constant struggle between life and death, and death is the predominant aspect of his political-critical poetry. Mixed; Hence, we consider the title of critical-lyrical poem suitable for it, and finally, in Shafi'i critical poetry, the coding of hair and the pain of losing its glory and long-standing glory are prominent, so we call his critical poetry painful glories.


Main Subjects

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