Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran.

2 Department of Linguistics, Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran,Iran.

3 Department of Linguistics, Lecturer at Charles University, Scentific member of SAMT Research Center, Tehran, Iran


The Pahlavi era has given racial framing forward to minorities in the press texts, therefore, linguistic analysis of the mentioned period can show what narratives are being presented to and adopted by the public.The present study investigates the linguistic and ideological components of ethnic minorities in the press of Pahlavi. The data of this research are collected from these newspaper '350 texts at the specified interval (1945 to 1947).The research methodology is type a descriptive – analytic and it by using the van Dijk's Model of Critical Discourse Analysis of racism intends to analyze the texts of the mentioned newspapers. The findings show that newspapers affiliation with power structures has influenced how editors' ideas and thoughts towards ethnic minorities, because these newspapers by using underlying and meaning ideologies in the model of van Dijk racism such as lexical item , syntactic structure, topics, polarization, Topoi, speech acts and presuppositions show covert racism and marginalize ethnic minorities. It can be said that this model can correctly analyze newspaper data on racism.


Main Subjects

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