Document Type : Original Article


University of Isfahan


Rhetorical structure theory is a scientific approach that has emerged in the field of linguistic-computational.It also seeks to use the most appropriate way to deliver a message by advertising agents of goods/services, and in addition to providing techniques to strengthen business texts in discovering hidden relationships in commercial. The present study aims to study the content of268 sample context of commercials in eight topics, during one year of Green Family Magazine, Success and Iran Newspaper .we study the relations between the text components of commercials in the context of rhetorical structure theory and what effect it and drawing tree diagrams. The results of this study the contextof commercials studied by the‌‌‌‌ research, relations such as “elaboration”,“joint”,“background”,“enablement”,“solutionhood”, and “evidence”.“Elaboration” has the most frequency Percentage. Then “enablement” has the greatest share. Subsequent relationships depend on the subject of commercials. By using “Elaboration”, “enablement”, and “evidence” relations, the author aims to engage the reader with the nucleus content, using the complementary section which is satellite.


Main Subjects

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