Document Type : Original Article


1 Payame noor university-Department of Linguistics

2 PhD student in Linguistics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Cognitive sociolinguistics is a new attitude in linguistics that has appeared from the interaction of two approaches of social linguistics and cognitive linguistics and its purpose is to study the cognitive socio dimensions in daily use of language. This is a descriptive-analytical study and the purpose is to analyze the Eightth Persian textbook of Junior Secondary School (Akbari Sheldereh, 1397) based on cognitive sociolinguistics. In this study the unit of analysis was "sentence" and all of the texts were examined. From among the 1200 sentences existing in the book, all sentences (500) containing image schemas were extracted while availing from Johnsons’ 1987 research. From among these (500) sentences, the ones (170 cases) containing social variables were determined and finally the interaction of image schemas and social varriables were analyzed (quantitative and qualitative) and repersented. 320 cases of image schemas and 240 cases of social variables have participated in this interaction.The results indicate that the image schemas of "force", "content", "path" and "process" and the social variables of "religion and religion attitude", "culture" and "solidarity" had the most participation in two approaches of cognitive linguistics and sociolinguistics interaction. Although, the use of more than 500 metaphorical sentences indicates that the authors of this book have paid attention to the growth of youth creativity and abstract thinking; but according to the %34 interaction of metaphorical sentences and social variables, the authors believe that the cognitive sociolinguistics approach is not presented enough. The other finding indicates that the more image schemas than social variables make the complex conceptual structure in the sentence; of course, the opposite is true. Creating a sense of sincerity with the high use of "solidarity" variable, gender discrimination and introducing Iranian-Islamic culture in the metaphorical structures are the other findings of this study.


Main Subjects

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