Document Type : علمی - پژ‍وهشی


Sistan and Baluchestan University


This paper studies the semantic contribution of –e suffix based on Lieber (2004). This theory using seven semantic features and a principle called Coindexation Principle studies the semantic contribution of lexical items and their function in compounding, derivation and conversion. In this theory each lexical item even affixes have a semantic skeleton and a semantic body. Each affix has to have only one skeleton. If an affix has more than one semantic contribution, it should be explained based on other factors such as semantic extension conserving the same skeleton. Concepts such as subject, object, instrument, etc. have no relationship with skeleton but they are the result of other factors such as the interaction of coindexation of base argument with the argument of the affix. Having studied –e affix, we came to the following conclusion: it has at least three semantic skeletons: one which derives concrete nouns, another one derives abstract nouns having event or process meaning, and adjectival one. Subject oriented and object oriented nouns, instrument, similarity and location are the result of semantic extension of concrete noun making function of the affix or different coindexation on the argument of the affix with different arguments of the base.


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