Volume 16 (2024)
Volume 15 (2023)
Volume 14 (2022)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2021)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 8 (2016)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 6 (2014)
Volume 5 (2013)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2010)
Volume 1 (2009)
Locative Alternations in Placement Verbs and Its Causes: A Functional Analysis

Zahra Ghane; Vali Rezai

Volume 9, Issue 17 , July 2018, Pages 1-19

  Extended abstract 1- Introduction Locative alternation is a type of multiple argument realization of three-argument transitive verbs involving variable syntactic expression of the arguments. The present paper is, then, an attempt to find an account for this kind of alternation in Persian placement ...  Read More

A Diachronic Investigation of “gereftan”’s Meanings from the Perspective of Componential Analysis and Cognitive Semantics: Proving Polysemy via Representation of Image Schemas

Sepideh Abdolkarimi; Ehsan Changizi

Volume 9, Issue 17 , July 2018, Pages 21-47

  Extended abstract 1- Introduction Present research has been an attempt to investigate semantic aspects of “gereftan” diachronically, within the framework of cognitive semantics. The noticeable question in the present analysis is that if there exists a verb, namely “gereft/gir” which is used ...  Read More

Conceptual Mechanisms Involved in Different Readings of a Poem within the Framework of Cognitive Poetics: The Case of Kamran Rasoolzadeh

Hadaegh Rezaei; Adel Rafi; Mojtaba Pordel

Volume 9, Issue 17 , July 2018, Pages 49-79

  Extended abstract 1- Introduction From a philosophical perspective, one could say that during the history of literary criticism within the twentieth century, there have been two principal views on the nature of literary texts: One considers literary works as self-contained esthetic objects, which ...  Read More

The Role of Ideology in the Production and Selection of Conceptual Metaphors of Death in Poems of Ahmad Shamloo and Fereydoon Tavallali Based on the Discourse Theory of Metaphor

Ebrahim Rezapour

Volume 9, Issue 17 , July 2018, Pages 81-120

  Extended abstract 1- Introduction In the present article, the writer tries to investigate poems of contemporary poets such as Ahmad Shamloo and Fereydoon Tavallali regarding the effects of different ideologies of these two poets on the construction of conceptual metaphors of death. The goal of writer ...  Read More

The Emic Concept of Face in the Iranian Culture: An Ethnographic Study of Āberu

Seyed Mohammad Hosseini; Ferdows Aghagolzadeh; Aliyeh Kord Zaferanlou Kambouzia; Arsalan Golfam

Volume 9, Issue 17 , July 2018, Pages 121-152

  Extended abstract 1- Introduction Recent research on im/politeness in interpersonal pragmatics has witnessed a move away from Brown and Levinson’s (1987) much criticized face-saving theory (e.g., Eelen, 2001; Watts, 2003) towards more relational and interactional models that approach face and politeness ...  Read More

Semantic Triggers of Various Meanings of Bread

Ali Abdollahi Nezhad; Ali Izanloo; Azam Estaji

Volume 9, Issue 17 , July 2018, Pages 153-174

  Extended abstract 1- Introduction When a word resembles the meaning of another word, both words are in the same ideal cognitive domain and follow a certain conceptual cognitive pattern. Such associations suggest important relations between these concepts that can be because of so many reasons like ...  Read More

An Instructional Syllabus for Teaching Persian Prepositions to Non-Native Speakers Based on Cognitive Semantics: Case Study, Preposition "Az"

Tahereh Vahidi Ferdowsi; Ali Alizadeh; Zahra Badamdari

Volume 9, Issue 17 , July 2018, Pages 175-202

  Extended abstract 1- Introduction Language learning is one of the most complex issues in teaching a foreign language. Prepositions having different meanings in different contexts are mostly problematic issues for both language instructors and non-Persian learners. Although prepositions are frequently ...  Read More