Volume 16 (2024)
Volume 15 (2023)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2021)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 9 (2017)
Volume 8 (2016)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 6 (2014)
Volume 5 (2013)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2010)
Volume 1 (2009)
Persian Clausal Constituent order Based on Functional Discourse Grammar

Hamed Mowlaei kuhbanani; Ali Alizade; Shahla Sharifi

Volume 14, Issue 1 , April 2022, Pages 1-27

  This study wants to present a new approach to clausal constituent ordering of Persian. Functional Discourse Grammar as the latest Functional Grammar (2008) is selected as the framework, for this sake. Unlike Greenberg’s typological view (1963), FDG has a dynamic approach for constituent ordering. ...  Read More

Discourse analysis
A Comparative Study of the Works and Thoughts of Nima Yoshij and Karim Ghorban Nafs (Turkmen Poet) According to the "François Eust" classification

tavagh ghaldi ghalshahi

Volume 14, Issue 1 , April 2022, Pages 29-67

  Comparative literature is one of the valuable and useful parts of literature and informs us about the influence of other nations' literatures and enables the development and cultural and literary exchange between nations. A comparison of the literature of two nations, which are different in terms of ...  Read More

Linguistic typology
A Study of the Linguistic Representation of the Movement Event from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics: A Case Study of Movement Verbs in the Mazandaran Language

Zahra golzadeh geravi; Zahra Babasalari; Saeed Yazdani; Mohammad Hossein Sharafzadeh

Volume 14, Issue 1 , April 2022, Pages 69-104

  This study deals with the semantic nature of the motor actions of Mazandaran language by emphasizing the dominant pattern for distributing information related to the way and movement, how to represent multiple information of the path and multiple information of the method. Since almost all researches ...  Read More

Linguistic typology
The devices of differentiating subject and object in Arabic and Persian: A comparative-diachronic approach

Roohollah Mofidi

Volume 14, Issue 1 , April 2022, Pages 105-133

  In a diachronic perspective, the article investigates and compares the changes in Arabic and Persian word order, agreement, and case-marking, as the devices of differentiating subject and object. In fact, the main problem of this investigation was to discuss and follow the changes which have happened ...  Read More

Linguistic typology
Typological hierarchies and object omission in Persian

Faezeh Salimi; Vali Rezai; Mohammad Amouzadeh

Volume 14, Issue 1 , April 2022, Pages 135-157

  Object omission construction is a valency-reduction process in which a transitive verb appears without its object and is used as an intransitive one. However, the addressee is able to understand the meaning of the objectless sentence. The considered type of object omission in this paper is context-independent, ...  Read More

Linguistic typology
Reflection on Abnormality as a Trick in Thematizing in the Layla & Majnun Poem by Amir Khosrow Dehlavi

rezvan barani shik robati; shahpour shaholi koheshory; seyed ali sohrab nejad

Volume 14, Issue 1 , April 2022, Pages 159-181

  Poets innovate in fixed and repetitive images by using a variety of linguistic methods, distancing their language from vulgarity. In formalist critique, linguistic and semantic aberrations are among the main methods of literati to turn words away from vulgarity and common linguistic habits and are thematic ...  Read More

A Comparison of the Application of Different Types of Repair in the Speech of Persian-Speaking Men & Women in Live TV Shows

Seyed Mohammad Hosseini-Maasoum; Maliheh Hajian Nezhad,

Volume 14, Issue 1 , April 2022, Pages 183-208

  Speech repair, also called conversational repair, as one of the most important instruments for the maintenance of the conversation and preventing communication breach, can be an effective factor in daily conversations and relations. Here, gender, as a sociolinguistic factor, can cause differences in ...  Read More

Discourse analysis
Investigating the manner of drawing the identity-based foundations in Joe Biden’s presidential inaugural speech through conceptual metaphors

Somaye Shokati Moqarab; Jalal Rahimian

Volume 14, Issue 1 , April 2022, Pages 209-232

  This study is about to find how conceptual metaphors help in drawing identity borders and attaining legitimacy. So, the semantic system of conceptual metaphor (Kováces, 2010) and the components of myth and social imagination (derived from Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory, 2001) make ...  Read More