Volume 16 (2024)
Volume 15 (2023)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2021)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 9 (2017)
Volume 8 (2016)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 6 (2014)
Volume 5 (2013)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2010)
Volume 1 (2009)
Phase constructions in Persian language (A corpus-based analysis in the Role and Reference Grammar framework)

Parisa Najafi; Jalal Rahimian; Alireza Khormaee; Amirsaeid Moloodi

Volume 14, Issue 4 , March 2023, Pages 1-38

  Phase predicates describe each of the beginning, continuation, or end phases of an event and are expressed in the form of verbs such as start, continue, end, and so on. In this regard, we call the structures in which there is a phasal predicates "phase construction" and discuss them. We believe that ...  Read More

About "ra" in the explicit object based on the lexical-functional grammar approach

Sahar Mohammadian; Bahram Modarresi; Foroogh Kazemi; Setareh Majidi

Volume 14, Issue 4 , March 2023, Pages 39-77

  Dabir-Moghaddam (1972,2004) believes that -râ, moreover, is syntactically the function word of the explicit object, can also be informationally the marker of its secondary topic. Meanwhile, some researchers have challenged the use of -râ as a secondary topic marker in the explicit object ...  Read More

A Cognitivism Approach to Location in the Text World Layer of Chair by Shirko Bikas: An Analysis Based on Text Worlds Theory

Bahman Heidari; Amer Gheitury; Masoud Dehghan

Volume 14, Issue 4 , March 2023, Pages 100-79

  The present study is not only the first comprehensive study about a Kurdish poet using Text World theory, but also the first research of the formation of the location of the text world layer of Chair written by Shirko Bikas which has been done with the descriptive-analytic method and the aim of achieving ...  Read More

Linguistic typology
Persian Adverbs in the Typological Prototype View of Parts of Speech

Vali Rezai; Najmeh Khedri

Volume 14, Issue 4 , March 2023, Pages 101-125

  Adverbs are among those complicated subject's different aspects of which have been investigated throughout history. However, linguists have not reached an agreement on the diverse issues related to adverbs, from its definition to the fact that whether it should be considered as a lexical category in ...  Read More

Analysis and Comparison of “Amouzesh-e-novin-e zaban-e-Farsi” and “Amouzesh-e-Farsi-be-Farsi” Textbook Series Based on a Validated Checklist

Massoumeh Khodaei Moghaddam; Atiyeh Kamyabi Gol; Shahla Sharifi

Volume 14, Issue 4 , March 2023, Pages 126-152

  Textbook content evaluation based on a checklist is a widely common method for evaluating textbooks. This type of evaluation plays an effective role on preserving textbook quality. In this study, by applying a validated checklist- including 4 main categories of “physical features, design and layout”, ...  Read More

Pronunciation of The Present/ Future Forms of "ddan"(to give) in Colloquial Persian: Opacity in Parallel Optimality Theory and Harmonic Serialism

Bashir Jam

Volume 14, Issue 4 , March 2023, Pages 178-196

  The present/ future forms of the infinitive verb "dAdan" (to give) are made by adding the prefix /mi-/ and the inflectional endings /-am/, /-i/, /-ad/, /-im/, /-id/, and /-and/ to the stem /de/. These forms include [mideham] (I give), [midehi] (you (singular) give), [midehad] (s/he gives), [midehim] ...  Read More

Discourse analysis
Analysis of the Representation of the Turn-taking System in the Dialogues of PARFA

Shiva Ahmadi; Mohammad Bagher Mirzaei Hesarian

Volume 14, Issue 4 , March 2023, Pages 197-227

  Conversation analysis is one of the important areas in linguistics that investigates real conversations and examines them from different aspects; One of the important topics in conversational analysis is turn taking, which determines who and when with what linguistic and non-verbal cues to give or receive ...  Read More

Multidominance in the Structure of Gapping in the Old Persian and Zoroastrian Middle Persian Languages

Seyyed Mahdi Sadati Nooshabadi; Narjes Banou sabouri

Volume 14, Issue 4 , March 2023, Pages 229-254

  In this research the structure of gapping in the Old Persian and Zoroastrian Middle Persian Languages is studied with regard to the symmetric merge and multi-dominance approach. For doing so, at first the structure of gapping and its properties are described and then this structure in the linguistic ...  Read More