Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Jahrom University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, Jahrom University


The use of metadiscourse is very important in investigating texts and discourses. Metadiscourse is a kind of discourse which reveals the relationships between the writer (speaker) with the text (discourse) and also the audience. There are many kinds of metadiscourse; the interactional metadiscourse is one vital kind. This research aims at investigating interactional metadiscourse in Nahjolbalaghe based on Hyland (2005). First the text analysed carefully and all kinds of interactional metadiscourse categorized based on forms and functions. Then these categories analyzed quantitatively. The results of this research reveal that Imam Ali used all kinds of interactional metadiscourse skillfully. He used engagement markers for connecting to the audience manipulating different functions such as warning, blaming and encouraging. Self- mentions have been used to deny his negative traits and prove his transcendent qualities. Hedges have been used rarely.He has applied boosters for emphasizing his stability. Attitude markers with almost negative connotations have also manipulated to represent the attitude of Imam Ali towards his audience.
Key terms: Nahjolbalaghe, interactional metadiscourse, engagement markers, Boosters, attitude markers, self-mentions, hedges.


Main Subjects

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