Document Type : علمی - پژ‍وهشی


Assist. Prof. in Linguistics, Dept. of English Language and Linguistics, Faculty of Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran.


Motion is an event and mental schema that one experiences from birth and has a universal meaning. This study aimed at investigating the motion event in Kalhori Kurdish dialect based on the Talmy's Lexicalized Patterns Model. To this end, the typological position of Kalhori Kurdish was examined and analyzed based on lexicalized patterns. The study is a descriptive-analytic study. One hundred and thirty motive verbs were collected through interview with Kurdish speakers. The authenticity of the verbs was confirmed by native speakers. The results showed that Kalhori Kurdish uses six conflation patterns, among which the patterns of Motion+Path and Motion+Co-Event have the most applied frequencies, and the other patterns used in this dialect, respectively, the pattern of motion, pattern of Motion+Co-Event+Figure, pattern of Motion+Path+Figure, pattern of Motion+Path+Co-Event have from the lowest to highest frequencies among the patterns. The results also indicate that in this Kurdish dialect, the current construction of verbs, both simple and non-simple, does not follow Talmy's Dual Typology, but the motive verbs in this dialect are both path like and manner like a way that it is part of equipollently-framed language.


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