Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in General Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The position of internal arguments of a verb is a Language specific point. In Farsi, the position of internal arguments to one another in ditransitive constructions is considerable and distinct from double object constructions in other languages. In generative grammar object movement differing from scrambling and occurred in Some languages as Scandinavian Languages is called object shift. In this operation, based on Holmberg (1986) object raises to an upper position. In farsi, karimi (2005) and Anoushe (1400) believe that specific and with ‘ra’ direct objects move to upper position than indirect objects. In the present study beyond the border of theoretical linguistics, based on experimental data and with the help of two psycholinguistics tests as Grammatical Judgement Test and self-paced reading also based on Derivational Theory of Complexity of Marantz (2005), we intend to show that direct object (with ‘ra’) shift is occurred in ditransitive and secondary predicate constructions producing unmarked sentences but indirect object do not shift. Any other object movements except object shift are occurred just because of discourse motivations producing marked sentences.


Main Subjects

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