Document Type : علمی - پژ‍وهشی




The people living in the historical village of Khanik in Gonabad City have a number of peculiarities in their speaking language. The dialect of the village, for a variety of natural and geographical factors such as enclosure and lack of immigration, has remained partially intact. A unique feature of the Khanik dialect is the widespread use of a specific tense which has persisted from a long time ago. In this tense, we have the intention of doing something in the past, which has not been realized until the present time, but is expected to be completed in the future.
An example of this tense is a sentence like [ma:sta m boda bo boxoro m] (I had wanted to have eaten). This is called "future perfect" or "past in the future", which should not be confused with the "future in the past" described in some grammar books. Further, the application of some tenses unprecedented in Farsi language and structures that were only employed in the ancient texts is common in Khanik dialect.
This tense, recorded through interviews with the elderly and illiterate speakers of Khanik village, is presented based on the results of several articles on verbs in Khanik dialect and its comparison with historical and grammatical texts.


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