Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Persian Language and Literature


The rsults of research on authentic Farsi dialects can be used as a guide for the cultural authorities of Iran and will open a new venue for further research in this regard. Great Khorasan, where Dari Farsi originates from, has unique features. One of its features is that the dialect of many cities of the province are far from extensive linguistic changes. The dialect of such cities as Gonabad, Qaen, Taibad, Torbat Heydarieh has underwent the least changes over time. A comparison of the dialect and vocabulary of the people of these areas with written sources of the 4th and 5th centuries can prove the claim. This research was carried out using a descriptive-analytical method, and observation and interview methods were used to collect the data. The research was carried out carefully on a small part of the dialect of Bimorgh village of Gonabad, Iran. The study showed the significance of time, its division, and naming among the people of this region. This study revealed that the residents of this village have various names and divisions for different moments of a day and night as well as for month and year. Considering the occupation of the majority of the people that is agriculture and animal husbandry, there seems to be intellectual reasons for the divisions. The devision provides exact time and diversity for doing works over days and months. 


Main Subjects

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